Ages ago in the mists of time,
there was a Great War.

The Gods, the greatest of the sorcerers, the paragons of the wizards, and the Dragons, the mightiest of all fought for supremacy among themselves. As we all know, the Dragons won . . . but at such a cost.
Heaven and Earth were torn asunder, the world itself was wounded near unto death. At the last, the Gods and wizards gave the last of their magic to bind the world together . . . The last of the sorcerers had allied with the dragons and they too used their powers to bring the world back to life but the world had changed. No longer the vast fields and towering mountains, the long seas and deep forest, now we are all adrift on islands in the Sea of Stars. Only the last strength of the Gods and the mighty heart of the Dragon Queen keeps us for drifting apart forever.

Welcome to the Sea of Stars setting,

a world literally shattered by magic and now only saved from destruction by that same magic. A world ruled by dragons, who are distant autocratic rulers. Dragons are rarely seen, but their influence is immense, their power undoubted, they are worshiped, loved, feared and hated by the common folk. Most people will never see a dragon except at a distance, but their magic and strength lies like a shadow over the lands, enforcing the laws of the Dragon Queen, exacting tribute and crushing opposition to the Dragons' Rule.
The vast interplay of magic and the isolation of the various regions of the world have lead to the evolution of strange and wonderful lifeforms and cultures, yet all are in thrall to the Dragon Queen and her Court of Seven Stars. However, slowly building in strength are the forces of change, of rebellion, those that would see the Dragon Queen cast down and the lands freed from her rule. Some oppose her tyranny, others the harsh laws of the dragons, still others seek the chance to supplant the Draconic rule with their own, but whatever their motives are, they are bound together by their desire to cast down the draconic rule.
Magic is omnipresent, from gossamer bridges linking the floating islands of the world, to sorcerous airships and enchanted castles. Magic infuses almost everything to one degree or another. The greatest center of magic, learning and art in the Sea of Stars is the palace city of the Dragon Queen herself, Shel’lioc, or as it is known to most ‘The Lair.’ Within that palace city, it is said, are wonders undreamed of, as all the greatest treasures of man, god and dragon are contained in that place.

A Fantasy Campaign Setting

Designed for Pathfinder but usable with any game.

It is not really like this but the picture is such
            fun. Art by Theo Evans.
The Sea of Stars is not really like this by the art by Theo Evans is just such fun.
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